Lahore: Federal Minister Mian Javed Latif has said that there was no violence on Shehbaz Gul, the law should be equal for all, Imran Khan's revenge actions against politicians are in front of everyone, and Chairman PTI's Tosha Khana case should be decided.
While giving a news conference in Lahore, he said that we are in pain for Pakistan, it hurts when fingers are raised on the institutions, if Nawaz Sharif can be disqualified for not taking a salary from his son, then why is Imran Khan disqualified after corruption and Election Commission's decision. It can't be, who are they who are running Imran Khan's recorded speech, we were completely banned, if someone wants to make a case, they will fulfill their passion and give a blunt answer.
The federal minister said that the sacrifice of politics to save the state is not complete, the sacrifice cannot be complete until the role of the people who brought the economy to this state is exposed for 75 years. The conspirators are not brought to justice, today's Chief Minister Pervaiz Elahi, when he was the speaker, used to say that PTI was being formed by breaking up the QL, who is Fawad Chaudhary insulted by saying that No one can spoil anything of Mai Ka Lal Imran Khan.
He said that Altaf Hussain's speech has been banned till today, while today one person is being facilitated and the other is facing a ban. Who are those who are not disqualifying Imran Khan after the Tosha Khana case is proved? Do we have to wait for 8 years for disqualification? We are in pain for Pakistan. If notice can be given on the posting of the 17th scale, then how can the cases of July 25 end, despite the passage of five years, the dates are suffering?
He said that Nawaz Sharif was disqualified for not taking a salary from his son, so who is protecting Imran Khan from arrest, the rope is moving from somewhere else, there is a certain person who is moving the rope here and there, how is it possible that the state The challenger may walk openly, but we will speak for the interest of the state, Imran Khan got the job of Prime Minister by playing the role of Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq, according to Justice Shaukat Siddiqui, what happened to Nawaz Sharif if this injustice is not treated The nation will not tolerate if obstacles are put up to bring Imran Khan to justice, we are telling you that Nawaz Sharif is coming to Pakistan without caring about the results.
The federal minister said that if the voice of Hasil Bizenjo, Asfandiar Wali, Maryam Nawaz, or Fazlur Rehman is suppressed, the nation will not tolerate it. will stand behind, the sacrifice of politics for the state will be accepted only when all the Mahers, including Imran Khan, are brought to justice. That we cannot become a nation without the supremacy of the constitution and law, Nawaz Sharif's position will never be weak because the solution to the people's problems lies in the fact that the situation will not improve until the narrative of giving respect to the vote is adopted.
He said that unless the ideology of Nawaz Sharif is brought to an end by ending civil strife, there will be no development. How many bones of Parvez Elahi and Shehbaz were broken, the cases should be decided instead of arresting Imran Khan, the nation should be told about the corruption of the government, national secrets were sold by taking money from outside, the recording of Imran Khan was played. But there was a complete ban on Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz, if dozens of our people can be disqualified then why Imran Khan can't be disqualified, the sacrifice of politics for the state is being doubted, everyone knows how The government of Punjab was formed, today the manpower is used in Islamabad and Bani Gala, then the resources of Punjab are being used in it.
Javed Latif said that people will be protected from oppression and violence, and concrete steps will be taken to remove obstacles in the relief of the people, including electricity bills, which will be in the real interest of the people.

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