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The use of social media in business which also made mothers and daughters business partners

At first, it seemed strange that my daughter could do me. She is also teaching, but when I saw that she was helping my business in a very modest way, I became proud of her. Now we are business partners and friends with mother and daughter. These words of love for her daughter are from Faiqa Abubakar, who runs a clothing designing business and is promoted on social media by her 11-year-old daughter, Anaya. In Pakistan, women doing their own business while staying at home with little capital is not a new thing, nor is the marketing of small and large businesses on social media a matter of surprise, but something new and admirable is that children are now Pioneers in teaching parents how to use social media to promote their businesses. In this story, we introduce you to some such mothers and their children. 

Faiqa Abubakar, a resident of Islamabad, is a mother of two children and has been running her own dress designing business for about 15 years.

According to Faiqa, initially, all her contacts were through friends and loved ones, then to increase the business, she started advertising on social media.

My priority was to complete the work quickly and deliver it to the client. I used to post updates on Facebook, but I didn't have enough confidence, so I couldn't handle it.

"I'm not bored anymore"

Faiqa says that when she created the website to promote her work, she thought that updating it would not be such a big problem, but she failed.
I was looking for how to open that tab, and my daughter, who was sitting next to me, said, "Mom if you click here, a window will open." It made me very happy to hear all this from him, how confidently my daughter is telling me.
Faiqa's daughter Anaya started helping her mother at the age of eight when she told her where the angle and light would be best for the photo she wanted to upload.
Then came the stage of updating the website, Anaya taught her mother and now she has also become a business partner by taking over the marketing department on Instagram.
Faiqa is happy with her daughter's talent and says that learning from her daughter also helped her understand the fashion and style of the youth.

Editing photos, creating hashtags, and creating captions for the Instagram page were handled by Anaya. She tells which song is in today which can become a hotline on social media. Now I am enjoying my work more.

In this meeting with Faiqa at her home, we also met her daughter Anaya, who, after returning from school and resting, was now enthusiastically updating her mother's Instagram page.

Anaya said that she spends about an hour a day on this work, which has now become her hobby.

During this work, I use different editing tools and I also learn a lot from it. It is also a hobby and from this, I have learned to use time properly.

Anaya said that often when posting a product on social media, she would argue with her own mother, then Anaya would explain to her what would be good for other young people like her, and then her mother would agree. are

The use of social media in business which also made mothers and daughters business partners  The use of social media in business which also made mothers and daughters business partners Reviewed by Ruqayya Latif on August 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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