A bank job teaches a person a lot but this work should not be a permanent source of livelihood because continuous work affects your health and the pressure is so much that the seemingly calm bank officers have deep fear inside. They are victims because there is no job security. A bank job is no longer a dream job.
This is to say that Mohammad Waqas, who recently left the department after spending ten years in the bank, has more or less performed the duties of all the departments of the bank and up to the operational manager.
'Indifferent to the affairs of State Bank employees'
According to senior State Bank officials, employment matters between commercial banks and their employees do not come under its purview. In case of any grievance or regarding employment rules and regulations, relief can be obtained only from courts and bank employees can approach the court for redressal of their problems.
However, according to Hasan Rasheed Siddiqui, employees can get relief from the court only if there is a provision in their employment contracts, which is not the case in most cases.

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