Finland's Prime Minister apologized for an inappropriate photo of a private party going viral
Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has apologized for a photo of a private party at her official residence going viral.
According to the British news agency Reuters, Prime Minister Sana Marin faced criticism after the video was leaked at a party, and opposition leaders accused her of drug use.
After criticism from the opposition, the Prime Minister had his drug test done within 24 hours, which came back negative.
A questionable photo of two prominent female influencers taken at the Prime Minister's residence in the capital city of Helsinki also went viral on social media this week.
Talking to reporters about this photo, the 36-year-old prime minister said, "In my opinion, this photo is not appropriate, I apologize for it, such a photo should not have been taken."
He also confirmed that the photo was taken at his residence in the capital, Helsinki, but added that "nothing unusual happened at the party."
Prime Minister Sana Marin further said that this photo was taken during a private party with friends after a music festival in July.
The opinion of the people of Finland seems to be divided on this action of Prime Minister Sanna Marin.
Some people call it the Prime Minister's personal life, while one point of view is that Sana Marin's entertainment activities will influence his decision-making process.
It should be remembered that Social Democrat leader Sana Marin took over as the world's youngest prime minister in 2019.
He had said in January this year that he and his young women ministers are facing gender discrimination and hate speech while performing official duties.

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