What are the home remedies for sore throat?
A sore or sore throat is one of the common health problems that you often face during monsoons.
During the monsoon season, along with the lack of immunity of the human body, the risk of other infections also increases.
A sore throat can also be caused by diseases like allergies, air pollution, and digestive disorders.
According to the Indian newspaper Hindustan Times, seasonal infections can affect your throat more than other causes, but Ayurvedic (i.e. indigenous wisdom) treatments can be tried to reduce throat infections.
Amazing Benefits of Turmeric.
In his recent Instagram post, herbalist Dr. Diksa Bhusar wrote that 'Turmeric is a widely used spice in Indian kitchens and herbal pharmacies due to its healing properties. We know it as 'Haridra' in Ayurveda. It is bitter and bitter in its taste while its effect is hot. Being hot reduces dryness while its bitterness reduces body fat to some extent.
He added 'We use turmeric in food because it plays an effective role in the treatment of cold, cough, sore throat, wound healing, diabetes, body aches, boosting immunity and other diseases. .'
Three Simple Uses of Turmeric for Sore Throat.
1. Gargle with turmeric water.
Add a spoonful of turmeric to a glass of water and boil it for three to five minutes and gargle with this water three times a day.
2. A mixture of turmeric, black pepper, and honey
Mix one spoon of turmeric, one spoon of black pepper (preferably fresh), and one spoon of honey, and use this mixture two to three times a day one hour before or after meals.
3. Turmeric mixed milk at bedtime.
Mixing turmeric with milk before going to sleep soothes the throat. Cow's milk is the best choice for this purpose.
Apart from these home remedies, it is also advised to drink water and healthy drinks to keep your throat soft. Avoid other things that can cause a sore throat.
Also, get rest and choose nutritious food.

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