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China has resumed military exercises near Taiwan:US delegation visits Taiwan


China has reacted strongly to a visit by a US congressional delegation to Taiwan, announcing it will resume military exercises near the neighboring country, calling the move an obstacle to the ambitions of Taipei and Washington. 
The French news agency AFP quoted Chinese military officials as saying that on August 15, extensive military exercises are being conducted in areas near the Taiwan border, including land, sea, and air exercises. It should be noted that earlier there were reports that a high-level delegation from the US Congress arrived in Taiwan on an unannounced visit, to which China reacted more or less the same as the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy. Pelosi, earlier this month. Was given on tour.

Even after Nancy Pelosi's visit, China started military exercises and US-China relations became strained.

 According to China's official news agency Xinhua, officials have also reacted strongly to this new visit, warning that "American politicians should stop playing with fire in the Taiwan issue."

According to Taiwan's foreign ministry, the five-member delegation is led by Ed Murkey and will meet with President Tsai Ing-wen and attend a banquet hosted by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.

"As China escalates tensions in the region, the US Congress has sent a high-level delegation to Taiwan to convey a message of friendship and show that it should not be intimidated. Taiwan is a neighboring country of China which is claimed by China while Taiwan declares itself as an independent country.

China has resumed military exercises near Taiwan:US delegation visits Taiwan  China has resumed military exercises near Taiwan:US delegation visits Taiwan Reviewed by Ruqayya Latif on August 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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